Minutes of the Founding Meeting
America First National
Monday, April 15, 2002
BE IT REMEMBERED that representatives of the several founding States met
for the purpose of establishing the America First Party and its National
Committee on Monday, April 15, 2002.
In attendance were the following representatives of the founding State
Mr. John Verser of Arkansas
Mr. Dan Charles of Colorado
Mr. O.
Gene Lovell of Georgia
Mrs. Guadalupe Lynch of Illinois
Mr. David Doyle
of Iowa
Mr. John Pittman Hey of Mississippi
Mrs. Romelle Winters of New
Mr. John T. Fey and Mr. James D. Jones of Tennessee
Additional persons were also present as guests.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Charles at 9:15 p.m. Eastern
Daylight Time.
The floor was opened for nominations for a chairman of the meeting.
Mr. Jones nominated Mr. Charles. His nomination was seconded
by Mrs. Lynch.
There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. Hey and
seconded by Mr. Lovell, nominations were closed by unanimous vote.
Mr. Charles was elected to chair the meeting by unanimous vote.
The State party representatives and guests joined together in pledging
their Allegiance to the Flag.
Mr. Hey offered a prayer to the Almighty for His blessings on and
guidance in the work upon which those assembled have pledged to undertake.
Mr. Hey moved the adoption of a Resolution for the Founding of the
America First Party and its National Committee. His motion was seconded
by Mrs. Winters.
Mr. Charles proposed an amendment to the Resolution, which was
immediately accepted by Mr. Hey and Mrs. Winters.
The Resolution, as amended, read as follows:
That Representatives of the States of Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia,
Illinois, Iowa, Mississippi, New Hampshire, and Tennessee hereby join hands
together to form a national patriotic political party; and
That such national political party shall hereafter be known as the
America First Party; and
That the purpose of said party shall be the restoration of life,
faith, freedom, responsibility, and the Constitution of the United States of
America; and
That the America First National Committee is hereby established, and
shall serve as the supreme governing body of said party; and
That the founding members of said National Committee shall be those
persons registered by their respective State Party Chairmen with the Secretary
before the next National Committee meeting.
The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.
The floor was opened for nominations for Secretary of the National
Mr. Lovell nominated Mr. Hey. His nomination was seconded by
Mrs. Winters.
There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. Lovell and
seconded by Mr. Charles, nominations were closed by unanimous vote.
Mr. Hey was elected as National Secretary by unanimous vote.
The floor was opened for nominations for Treasurer of the National
Mrs. Winters nominated Mr. Charles. His nomination was
seconded by Mr. Lovell.
There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. Lovell and
seconded by Mrs. Winters, nominations were closed by unanimous vote.
Mr. Charles was elected as National Treasurer, all members casting Yea
votes save for his own.
Mrs. Winters made a motion to instruct the Treasurer to do all things
necessary and proper to open a bank account for the party, to file the proper
paperwork with the FEC, to obtain an EIN number from the Internal Revenue
Service, and to establish a mailing address for the party. Her motion was
seconded by Mr. Lovell, and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Doyle made a motion to instruct the Treasurer and the Secretary to
do all things necessary and proper to establish the partys internet
services, web site, and reflectors. His motion was seconded by Mr. Jones,
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Jones made a motion to schedule the next meeting of the National
Committee for Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Lovell, and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Fey reported on his interview with an Associated Press reporter in
Nashville. A discussion was had regarding the AP wire story and other
potential press attention to the new party.
An informal discussion was had regarding participation by persons from
states which have not yet affiliated. The consensus was that each state
would be allowed to have one person present to observe and offer input as
There being no further business, upon motion made by Mr. Hey, seconded
by Mr. Lovell, and adopted by unanimous vote, the Chairman declared the meeting
Respectfully submitted,
John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National