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Minutes of the Operating Committee of the America First Party

Tuesday, May 6, 2003

BE IT REMEMBERED that the Operating Committee of the America First Party met on Tuesday, May 6, 2003 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, pursuant to the previous resolution of the Operating Committee.

The Secretary called the roll of Operating Committee members:


  • Dan Charles of Colorado, Chairman
  • Gene Lovell of Georgia, Vice-chairman
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, Secretary
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois, Treasurer
  • Jon Hill of Massachusetts, Finance Committee Chairman
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire, Public Relations Committee Chairman
  • James Edwards of Tennessee, Candidates Committee Chairman
  • James D. Jones of Tennessee, Party Building Chairman
  • Eric Thomas of Tennessee, Rules Committee Chairman
  • Michael O'Brian of Michigan, Platform Committee Chairman
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi, Ballot Access Committee Chairman

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 9:13 p.m. EDT.

The Chairman led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Secretary gave the invocation.

Mr. Lovell moved the adoption of the Agenda as proposed by the Chairman. His motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Chairman delivered a short report. He reported that attorneys had advised him that the party cannot really do much about negative comments on the internet that refer to other groups which formerly claimed the same name as the party. He suggested that we obtain affidavits from the election officials in Florida detailing the formation of the party and its distinctness from those other long defunct groups.

A prominent Gun Rights coalition is considering listing the Party as an affiliated organization. This organization fights for Second Amendment rights and for repeal of gun bans which the Republicans have pushed through. An announcement will be forthcoming depending upon the outcome of this matter.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes of the April 29 meeting of the Operating Committee. He moved the adoption of the April 29 minutes. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote, Mr. Lovell and Mr. O'Brian abstaining.

The Treasurer reminded the members that she had circulated a financial report earlier today. She reported that the party has a convention fund approaching $2000, and that the previous convention debt owed to Dan Charles is now less than $900.

The Chairman began a discussion of the O'Brian Letter and Resolution.

After much discussion, Mr. O'Brian moved the adoption of a resolution reaffirming certain aspects of the platform and reflector rules. His resolution was seconded by Mrs. Winters. The resolution reads as follows:

Resolved, that the following resolution be forwarded to the National Committee for adoption:
Resolution Reaffirming Our Platform and Reflector Rules

Whereas the America First Party embraces the Constitution, our nation's founding principles, and our shared Judeo-Christian ethical and moral values; and

Whereas all Americans who declare their allegiance to those same purposes and values, and who exhibit an upright and moral character, are welcome with open arms to membership in the Party;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That the America First Party does not condone the defamation of any person or groups of persons on the basis of race or religious belief; and

That based on the statements of the founding Fathers, the America First Party does not endorse entangling alliances with any other Nation; and

That the America First Party does not condone the influencing of the Congress and the President of the United States by groups that lobby for another Country; and

That such activities are detrimental to the welfare of the United States, and to this Party.

The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

After further general discussion, there being no further business, upon motion made by Mr. Lovell, seconded by Mr. O'Brian, and adopted by unanimous vote, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.