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Minutes of the America First National Committee

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

BE IT REMEMBERED that the America First National Committee met on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 9 p.m. East Coast Time, pursuant to the Resolution of the Operating Committee adopted on March 22, 2005.

The Chairman led the National Committee meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Hey delivered the Invocation.

The Secretary called the roll of National Committee members.


  • Dan Charles of Colorado, National Chairman
  • Larry Carroll of Colorado
  • Martin McClellan of Florida
  • Peter Browning of Florida
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois
  • Tom White of Massachusetts
  • Jon Hill of Massachusetts, National Vice-Chairman
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi
  • Nancy Blankenship of Missouri
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire
  • Jim Arft of New York
  • Bradley Maurer of New York
  • Joe Spitzig of Ohio
  • Sam Cross of Pennsylvania
  • David Thomas of Pennsylvania
  • Frank Hackl of Wisconsin
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, National Secretary and Treasurer


  • Tim Lohrmann of Idaho
  • Greg Roberts of Missouri

Ward Chorpenning of Ohio joined the meeting after the roll had been taken.

A Quorum being present, the Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:23 p.m. ECT.

Mr. White moved the adoption of the Agenda. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters. The Agenda was adopted by unanimous vote.

The Chairman delivered his report. He reviewed the status of organizing committee formation. He announced that two states have now exceeded the requirements for organizing committee formation with another five very close. He discussed the need to elect a new Convention Committee chairman. He stated that creating organizing committees and holding the convention will greatly aid in building the party. He exhorted the members on the importance of locating and activating new members to help shoulder the work.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes for the November 30, 2004 meeting of the National Committee. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Treasurer referred the Committee to the full Report that has been published on the Reflector and on the Agenda web page. The current account balance is $1167.93, and there is an outstanding invoice in the amount of $1241.91 for mailing costs incurred since last December. The required end-of-year and monthly FEC reports have been prepared and submitted to the FEC; they may be reviewed on the FEC's public web site.

Mr. Charles passed the gavel to Mr. Hill.

Mr. Charles moved a Resolution reported by the Rules Committee to adopt Rules of Operation for Organizing Committees. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White.

The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas Article VIII, Section 8 of the Constitution of the America First Party empowers the America First National Committee to establish Organizing Committees in states where there is no Affiliated State Party and to adopt rules governing the operation of Organizing Committees; and,

Whereas it is incumbent upon the America First National Committee to empower Party members in states without formal organization by establishing well regulated Organizing Committees;

Now therefore be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That we do hereby adopt the attached "Rules of Operation for Organizing Committees of the America First Party" to govern the formation and administration of Organizing Committees that we may establish; and,

That we instruct the Rules Committee to work with the Party Building Committee to ensure that these rules are in keeping with the laws of any state in which an Organizing Committee is to be formed; and,

That we instruct the Rules Committee to report back to the America First National Committee should the need arise for modification of these rules or the adoption of specific rules to support the efforts of any given state Organizing Committee.

The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. The Rules are attached as Appendix A.

Mr. Charles moved a Resolution reported by the Rules Committee to adopt a Founding Kit for Organizing Committees. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. Winters. A minor technical correction was proposed by Mr. White and accepted.

The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas it is incumbent upon the America First National Committee to assist Party members in the formation of well regulated Organizing Committees;

Now therefore be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That we do hereby adopt the attached "Founding Kit for Organizing Committees" to govern the conduct of the Founding Meetings of Organizing Committees, as described in the Rules of Operation for Organizing Committees.

The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. The Rules are attached as Appendix B.

The Chairman discussed the need to elect a Convention Committee chairman. Mr. Spitzig stated that he was willing to serve as Convention Committee chairman.

Mr. Hey nominated Mr. Spitzig. Mrs. Winters seconded the nomination.

Mr. Carroll moved that nominations be closed. Mr. White seconded his motion, which was accepted by unanimous consent.

Mrs. Winters moved that Mr. Spitzig be elected by acclamation. Her motion was seconded by Mr. White. Mr. Spitzig was elected by acclamation.

Mr. Spitzig moved that a deadline of May 1, 2005 be set for the Convention Committee to report recommendations for the holding of the convention. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

A time of discussion was held. Mr. McClellan reported on events in Florida relating to his public office and violations of the "sunshine" law.

Mr. Charles summarized the upcoming activities of the Party Building Committee in bringing up new Organizing Committees. Mr. McClellan asked to be made a member of the Party Building Committee. Illinois and New York members mentioned they were getting persons to join the Party Building Committee to represent their states as well.

Mr. Hey reminded the members of the materials available on the party's web store. He also reminded the members of the new Post Office fixed-rate priority mailing options.

A discussion was had regarding Michael Savage quoting from our press release on his national radio program. A further discussion was had regarding other talk shows that may be supportive of our party and our cause.

Mr. White encouraged the members to report the names and contact information on individuals in states where we have few members. Mr. Charles broadened the request to include every possible referral.

There being no further business, Mr. McClellan moved that the National Committee adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Maurer and adopted by unanimous consent. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ECT.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

Appendix A



Section 1: The name of each Organizing Committee shall be the "America First Party of _______ Organizing Committee", filling the blank with the name of the state in which the organizing committee resides (hereinafter "Organizing Committee"); or some other name specially approved by the America First National Committee.

Section 2: The Organizing Committee, once constituted under these Rules, shall continue until such time as either a) a state party shall be affiliated with the America First Party (hereinafter, the "Party"); or b) the Organizing Committee shall be dissolved by the America First National Committee (hereinafter, the "National Committee").

Section 3: Upon affiliation of a state party with the America First Party, or upon dissolution, all of the assets held by the Organizing Committee shall be transferred to the affiliated state party, or to the National Committee.


Section 1: The purpose of the Organizing Committee is to develop a statewide political party which will promote the mission, principles, and platform of the America First Party, and to secure affiliation of said state party with the National Committee.


Section 1: The membership of the Organizing Committee shall consist of all persons who are members of the America First Party National Membership Organization within the state. At all times, the membership roll of the Organizing Committee shall conform to that of the America First Party National Membership Organization in that state.

Section 2: Each Organizing Committee member, and none other, is entitled to participate as a full voting member in the Organizing Committee and in the activities of the Organizing Committee to the extent provided by these Rules.

Section 3: This Organizing Committee does not have the authority to either add or remove members from the Organizing Committee; but persons may join the Organizing Committee by joining the National Membership Organization; and the continuing membership of persons shall be governed by the relevant Resolutions of the National Committee.

Section 4: No person shall serve as an officer, or hold any other position whatsoever, whether formal or informal, in this Organizing Committee unless he shall be a member of the Organizing Committee.


Section 1: The Founding Meeting of the Organizing Committee shall only be called by the National Committee or such other Committee as it shall designate; and the National Secretary of the National Committee shall provide a Call to Meeting at least thirty days prior thereto to all Members in the state by postal and electronic mail.

Section 2: The Call to Meeting shall include the date, time, and location of the Meeting, as well as the proposed Agenda. The Agenda of the Meeting shall conform to the Agenda attached as an addendum to these Rules.

Section 3: The attendees of such Meeting shall elect a Meeting Chairman and a Recording Secretary as provided in the Agenda for the Meeting.

Section 4: The Founding Meeting shall follow the Agenda attached as an addendum to these Rules, and every Resolution referenced therein shall be adopted without amendment.

Section 5: The Meeting shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order as a Convention.

Section 6: All members of the America First Party National Membership Organization within that state shall be entitled to attend and participate in the Meeting, but only upon and after they shall have affixed their signatures to a copy of the Declaration of Intent (hereinafter, the "Subscription"); said Declaration of Intent is attached as an addendum to these Rules; and the Recording Secretary shall be responsible to secure the signatures of all persons before their participation in the Meeting.

Section 7: The Founding Meeting shall be valid and binding only if attended by at least six state members of the America First Party National Membership Organization who have held such membership for at least 30 days prior to the Founding Meeting; and such attendance shall be evidenced by the Subscription of such members as hereinabove provided.

Section 8: The Recording Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the business of the Meeting, and shall include the Subscription by all participants as an annex to the minutes.

Section 9: After the Meeting adopts the required Resolutions and Petition, the record of the proceedings of the Meeting shall be transmitted to the National Secretary of the National Committee, along with the Subscription as described hereinabove; and a copy of all proceedings and documents shall be kept by the Recording Secretary.

Section 10: The Organizing Committee shall come into formal existence under these Rules only upon and after the Approval and Recognition of said Organizing Committee by the National Committee as provided by the Party Constitution.


Section 1: The Organizing Committee shall conduct such business as is required to promote the Party and to build state party membership, so that an official state party may finally be established.

Section 2: The Organizing Committee, and its members as individuals, are charged with the duty to protect the good name of the America First Party, and to ensure that neither that name nor any cognizable derivative thereof be used for any purposes other than as authorized by these Rules and by the National Committee of the America First Party.

Section 3: The Organizing Committee shall carefully account for all monies received by the Organizing Committee and shall deposit them in a banking account in the name of the Organizing Committee; and shall adhere to all financial accountability procedures as may be required by the National Committee; and shall provide complete financial reports to the National Committee on a quarterly basis, or upon demand of the National Committee.

Section 4: The Organizing Committee and its officers and members shall take care to ensure that only members of the National Membership Organization are treated or considered members of the Organizing Committee; and shall assist such persons who desire to join the Organizing Committee in filing the required membership form approved by the National Committee with the National Secretary.

Section 5: The Organizing Committee shall take such steps as are necessary, in compliance with federal and state law, and at the direction of the Standing Committee on Rules of the National Committee, to establish the Organizing Committee as a legal entity in the state.


Section 1: All Organizing Committee officers described in this Article shall be elected by majority vote of the members of the Organizing Committee.

Section 2: The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Organizing Committee and shall have general supervision over and provide leadership to the affairs and activities of the Organizing Committee. The Chairman shall perform such other duties as are required by law and shall preside over meetings of the Organizing Committee. The Chairman shall be charged with the duty to ensure that the business of the Organizing Committee is conducted at all times in compliance with these rules.

Section 3: The Treasurer shall be responsible to hold custody of the funds of the Organizing Committee, the disbursement of funds as directed by the Organizing Committee, and the preparation of financial records and reports as required by law, by the National Committee, or otherwise. The Treasurer shall be responsible to ensure that the duties of the Organizing Committee as they pertain to the handling, disbursement, and reporting of funds, shall be fully complied with.

Section 4: The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all Organizing Committee meetings and a Founding State Convention. The Secretary shall be responsible to provide notice of Organizing Committee meetings as provided for elsewhere in these rules.

Section 5: The National Committee Representative Observer shall be responsible to attend the meetings of the National Committee as a non-voting guest, and shall serve as the liaison between the Organizing Committee and the National Committee.

Section 6: The Party Building Chairman shall be responsible to coordinate the recruitment of members and building of the Organizing Committee to the point of petitioning for State Party affiliation. The Party Building Chairman shall attend meetings of the Party Building Committee of the America First Party, and shall serve as liaison between the Organizing Committee and the AFP Party Building Committee.

Section 7: No person shall hold more than one office at any time, except that the Chairman may be elected to serve as the National Committee Representative of the Organizing Committee.

Section 8: Officers shall serve until they resign, are replaced, are dismissed by majority vote of the Organizing Committee, or are removed by Resolution of the National Committee.


Section 1: The official business of the Organizing Committee shall only be conducted at a meeting of the Organizing Committee that has been duly called and noticed as provided for in these Rules.

Section 2: The Organizing Committee chairman shall have the authority to call meetings of the Organizing Committee, and shall provide immediate notice of the call to meeting to the National Party Building Committee Chairman; but the National Party Building Committee Chairman may rescind or modify such a call or may call a meeting if in his opinion the Organizing Committee Chairman has failed to do so in a reasonable and responsible manner; and the members of the Organizing Committee may petition the National Party Building Committee Chairman to request such a meeting.

Section 3: The Organizing Committee Secretary shall provide written mailed notice of any such meeting to all the members of the Organizing Committee to be sent at least fourteen days in advance thereof. Such written notices shall include the time, place, and date of the meeting. The Organizing Committee Secretary shall use the Organizing Committee membership list as provided to him by the National Secretary from time to time, but additional persons may be notified of the meeting at the discretion of the members of the Organizing Committee. The National Secretary shall be authorized to provide such notices in case of the failure or inability of the Organizing Committee Secretary so to do.

Section 4: The members who attend such Organizing Committee meeting shall sign an attendance roster, and a Quorum shall consist of a majority of the members who have signed the roster at that particular meeting.

Section 5: All meetings of the Organizing Committee shall commence with the Pledge of Allegiance and an Invocation.

Section 6: The Organizing Committee may, by action at its meetings, and through the authority of the minutes thereof, create or abolish such sub-committees as it shall deem necessary to conduct its proper business, and the officers and members of such sub-committees shall be appointed by resolution of the Organizing Committee.

Section 7: The Organizing Committee Secretary shall forward the minutes of every meeting to the National Party Building Committee Chairman in a timely manner, and no resolution adopted or other action taken by the Organizing Committee shall be final or effective until 72 hours after the receipt of the minutes authorizing such action by the National Party Building Committee Chairman. The Organizing Committee and its officers and members shall take care not to implement any such resolution or action prior to the expiration of the aforesaid 72 hour term.

Section 8: Only such actions and resolutions as are recorded in the minutes of the Organizing Committee meeting shall have any force or effect, and any such action or resolution may be vetoed by Resolution of the National Party Building Committee or the National Committee.

Section 9: The actions and resolutions of the Organizing Committee, once final and effective, shall continue to remain in force until such time as they are properly repealed or expire according the terms thereof.


Section 1: At such time as the Organizing Committee shall desire to formally establish a State Party and petition for Affiliation with the National Committee, the Organizing Committee shall follow such rules as the National Committee shall promulgate.


Section 1: These Rules shall take effect immediately upon their adoption by the National Committee, and may be amended at any time by resolution of the National Committee.

Section 2: These Rules, as adopted and/or amended by the National Committee, shall govern the actions of the Organizing Committee at all times during its formation and throughout its duration.


Section 1: If a court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge to be invalid or unconstitutional any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of these Rules, such judgment or decree shall not affect, impair, invalidate, or nullify the remainder of these Rules, but the effect thereof shall be confined to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of these Rules so adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, or these Rules shall be considered to be automatically amended to conform with the law.

Appendix B

Sample Agenda

Founding Meeting
America First Party of _______ Organizing Committee
Held on _________ (insert date here)

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Invocation

4. Announcement of meeting purpose - formation of an Organizing Committee for an America First Party of ________

5. Election of a Meeting Chairman

6. Election of a Recording Secretary

7. Declaration of Intent by Attendees to Form the Organizing Committee; attendees shall individually subscribe to a copy of the Mission Statement, Principles, Platform, and Resolution of Founding at this time, or at such time as they join the meeting

8. Adopt Resolution of Founding of the Organizing Committee

9. Adopt Resolution of Adherence to the Rules of Operation

10. Adopt Resolution accepting Party Mission Statement, Principles and Platform

11. Elect Chairman

12. Elect Secretary

13. Elect Treasurer

14. Elect National Committee Representative

15. Elect Party Building Chairman

16. Adopt and Sign Petition for Recognition of Organizing Committee

17. Other business

18. Adjourn

Resolution of Founding
America First Party of (state) Organizing Committee

Resolved this the ____ day of ______, ________:

That Citizens and Members of the America First Party National Membership Organization of the State of (state) hereby join hands together to form the America First Party of (state) Organizing Committee; and

That the purpose of said Organizing Committee is to develop a statewide political party which will promote the mission, principles, and platform of the America First Party, and to secure affiliation of said state party with the America First National Committee; and

That the Founding Members of the Organizing Committee shall consist of such persons whose signatures appear upon the attached Declaration of Intent; and

That the Founding Members, each of them individually and as an Organizing Committee, covenant not to use the name, logo, indicia or other properties of the America First Party or any cognizable derivatives thereof without the permission of the National Committee of the America First Party.

Resolution of Adherence to the Rules of Operation

Resolved, that this Organizing Committee hereby embraces and agrees to adhere to the "Rules of Operation of Organizing Committees of the America First Party" as approved by the National Committee, and as from time to time may be amended by the National Committee; and

That said Rules shall serve as the By-laws of this Organizing Committee as they exist presently or as they may be amended from time to time by the National Committee.

Resolution Accepting Party Mission Statement, Principles, and Platform

Resolved, that this Organizing Committee hereby Accepts and Adopts without reservation of any kind the Mission Statement, Principles, and Platform of the America First Party, and this Committee, and its members, covenant together to do all things necessary and proper to support, defend, and advance these articles of the Party.

Petition to the National Committee for Recognition of this Organizing Committee

Be it Resolved that members of the America First Party National Membership Organization of the state of ________, having organized a provisional Organizing Committee of an America First Party of _________, hereby petition the National Committee of the America First Party for Recognition and approval as the official Organizing Committee for the aforesaid state.

In assent to which we affix our signatures on this the ______ day of _______, _________.

Print Name						Signature










Declaration of Intent

We the undersigned members of the America First Party National Membership Organization pledge and covenant on this the ____ day of ____________, ___________:

That we support the mission, principles, platform, and candidates of the America First Party;

That we hereby state our intention to create an Organizing Committee;

That we agree to submit to the rules for the conduct of the meeting as set forth by the America First National Committee; and

That we shall fully and enthusiastically support the decisions made at this Founding Meeting.

Print Name						Signature









America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.