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America First Party Chair Builds From Grassroots Up


The national chairman of the America First Party tells a rally how to build a national organization from the courthouse to the White House.


By John Francis


I came here because of the unmitigating urgency to act on behalf of the citizens of this once great country. I came to bring about a deterrent force to oppose the onslaught of the New World Order.

We shall prevail, for God is on our side. Our cause is just. Let that build a fire beneath you as you work to build this party and save your country.

If we are to succeed in saving our country, we must set goals and establish plans to accomplish those goals. What we are going to do today is establish a plan to take back our country from globalism and the tyranny that is sure to come with it.

The plan for growing the America First Party is simple:

• Establish an Executive Committee or County Political Organization (CPO) in every county of every state—at least five people in every county. Everyone in this party should be working to establish your county.

• In counties where no party members live, if there are gun shows in your state and you can get into them, do so. Get a table and ask people to sign your petition. When they do, tell them their signature will not go on a mailing list, but will be used to get ballot access and that they may be contacted to get involved in the party. I have found that about half of the people will sign the petition and about half of those signing will agree to get involved. In four gun shows in Ohio, two each in two locations, we have signatures from 54 counties. In states where no ballot access is required, we can use an issue petition such as: Second Amendment rights or illegal immigration. Promise Keepers and gatherings such as that are good places to set up as well.

• Get a group together in a county and have an election of officers. The CPO’s most important jobs are to recruit precinct captains in every precinct, get ballot access if needed , and get active in the political process. As a committee, study the issues at both the local and state levels as well as the federal level. You get active by writing letters to the editor, Public Access TV, and any other way practical.

In Ohio we need 32,290 valid registered voter signatures on petitions to get ballot access. When you divide that by 88 counties that equates to 370 per county. A job that seems overwhelming becomes very doable.

When we get an organization like this in place, we will have candidates crawling out of the woodwork wanting to run for office, all offices, even governor. I have two very respectable candidates who have said they would run for governor if we can establish an organization like this in Ohio.

Then if we can do this in all the states by 2007, we won’t have to worry about a presidential candidate in 2008. We will have many and we will choose the one we want.