Events |
The 2006 AFP of Massachusetts Convention will be held at 10:30 am on Saturday, June 24th, at the Crowne Plaza in Natick, located at 1360 Worcester Street.
The keynote speaker will be David Parker, a champion of parents rights and opponent of homosexual indoctrination in the schools (more info). Earl Henry Sholley, a former Republican State Senatorial candidate will also be speaking about systematic problems in the State Republican Party, and on how grassroots activists can build the momentum to win. Speaking on immigration will be John McManus, President of the John Birch Society. And National Chairman Jon Hill will summarize the party's goals and prospects.
Members of the general public are invited to attend as observers. A $15 contribution to assist with expenses is encouraged. To participate as a Delegate with voting privileges, party membership is required. By resolution of the State Committee, all membership information, including verification of voter registration, must be received by the State Chairman by 12 noon, June 23rd.
Members who wish to be Delegates must check-in between 9:45 and 10:30 am, and then state their intention to the Convention registrars so as to receive their credentials.
Other Convention business will be the election of new state party leaders, National Committee Members, and consideration of any new state platform proposals made by the Delegates.
Delegates also have the option of amending the state party bylaws. These may be amended by a two-thirds vote, if the proposal is submitted to the State Chairman 21 days prior to the Convention. The current bylaws are available on the web site at www.americafirstparty.org/massachusetts/bylaws.htm.
Directions from the Mass Turnpike:
Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to exit 13 (Route 30 Framingham / Natick). Then bear right after toll booth. At second traffic light turn left. Follow signs to Route 9 East. Hotel will be on the right on Route 9 eastbound.
On Saturday, October 18th, the America
First Party of Massachusetts held its State Convention.. The event featured a number of speakers, as well as Officer, District Chairman, and National Committee elections. Please click here to see the press release, and check back to see photos...
On Saturday, April 26th,
the America First Party of Massachusetts hosted a speaker/luncheon at the Four-Points Sheraton in Norwood, from 10:30 am to 2:30 PM.. Speakers included Raymond L. Flynn, former Mayor of Boston, and
former Ambassador to the Vatican, David Grossack, an attorney-advocate for father's rights and constitutional issues, Jonathan Hill, AFP State Chairman, and Tom White, AFP National Committee Member.
Attendees were impressed with the speaker program, which lasted about 3 1/2 hours.. Topics covered were the need for individual participation, ownership of the media and media
bias, constitutional issues, examples of corruption and lawbreaking in government at the Federal and State levels, globalism, the educational system, and practical issues
relating to getting a grassroots political organization off the ground.. The event favorably showcased the organizational skills and dedication of the state party's members, and also generated
significant media attention. Click here to see two articles about the event and party in the Massachusetts News.
Click here to listen to the audio of Ambassador Flynn's talk.
Click here to see Ambassador Flynn's written statement.Click here to watch a short video.
On February 1st 2003, the state party hosted a speaker/buffet breakfast event at the Lord Wakefield Inn, in Wakefield. Principal speaker was Dan Charles, National Chairman of the America First Party. Speakers representing the state party were State Chairman Jon Hill and National Committee Member Tom White.
Mr. Charles spoke at length about the party platform and
responded to issues raised by those present. He pointed out that we are a grassroots organization which is dedicated to making government work for the people again, and stated his
belief that James Madison, who played a major role in drafting the U.S. Constitution, would be at home in the America First Party.
Mr. Hill spoke with a sense of urgency about the
unconstitutional global agenda, and gave some examples of the unconstitutional behavior which characterizes the leadership of most of our elected officials on Capitol Hill. He
also spoke about some of the practical things that need to be done in order to run effective campaigns in 2004, and gave examples of successful grassroots campaigns. It was pointed
out that individual involvement and membership development is crucial for the success of the party. Mr. White spoke about the need for people to get involved,
irregardless of how much experience a person may or may not have, citing the example of his campaigns. He mentioned that people in the America First movement are people with heart
who are involved because they believe in this cause. It seems that all left favorably impressed, and many with a sense of excitement. We were also pleased that a significant
number of individuals expressed a strong interest for future involvement. The event was proceeded by four different radio appearances on WROL AM 950, which advertised the event and purpose of
the party. These interviews of Dan Charles and Jon Hill were both in-studio and via phone on the Ray Flynn and Chuck Morse shows. The event was organized within a two-week window, and some
did not receive the notice in time to participate. This was largely because it was unknown to us that nonprofit mailings can take two or more weeks! For those who were not able to
participate because of this glitch, we apologize, and hope that you were able to attend the next event. |