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Friday, 10 May, 2002

Uncap Domestic Oil and End Foreign Dependence

Boulder, CO —  The newly formed America First Party encourages the elimination of dependence on foreign oil. Interim Chair Dan Charles said, "We need an energy policy that creates energy independence, good paying jobs, and lowers costs for American families. The events of 9/11 should be a wake-up call to all Americans. We cannot continue to place our trust in OPEC for the oil that keeps our country running smoothly."

The "Energy Policy Act of 2002" that is currently before a congressional conference committee would be a first step toward ending US dependence on oil from other countries. This bill has specific provisions promoting the production of oil from so-called marginal oil wells located in the lower 48 states and Alaska.

"Uncapping the existing wells in the National Petroleum Reserve including Gull Island, would allow us to produce another 1.5 million barrels per day of environmentally friendly low-sulfur oil, without touching ANWR. If the 7-day/$15 per barrel price support provision is included, we can protect our industry from OPEC's predatory pricing practices," continued Mr. Charles.

Two additional provisions in the bill are important to improve domestic energy industry competitiveness. Elimination of the 1,095 barrel per well per year restriction will return these wells into profitable production. We also seek the elimination of an unnecessary regulation that requires that 95% of the discharge from wells be water.

John Pittman Hey, Secretary of the America First Party, said: "Our domestic oil production is competing with countries that do not have such restrictive provisions-putting us at a great disadvantage. Increased oil production within the United States would also stimulate the growth of peripheral industries such as pipelines and refineries. The Democrats and Republicans who oppose these provisions have lost sight of what is best for America."

Mr. Charles further stated: "There are thousands of unused capped and mapped wells which could bring needed oil to our refineries and gas stations within weeks. Increased independence from foreign oil and expansion of our domestic oil industry would remove us from the grip of unstable and hostile governments. The economic expansion that results would fuel our long term strategy to develop alternative energy sources and improve energy conservation."

Dan Charles Interim Chair/Treasurer (303) 449-0258
Romelle Winters   Press Secretary   (662) 453-8412
Other contacts available upon request


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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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