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Wednesday, 15 May, 2002

Kill the Hidden Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill

Boulder, CO — The newly formed America First Party opposes in the strongest terms possible the attempt by Congress and the White House to insert language into the supplemental appropriation bill currently before the House Appropriations Committee that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

"This 245(i) provision has been rejected several times in the past 18 months—including the recently signed and woefully inadequate INS appropriation bill. It has failed because it is unpopular with the American people. It has failed because it is unnecessary. It has failed because it is bad policy. Sneaking unpopular and pork barrel items into popular bills unrelated to the subject matter is corrupt. We will fight against it," stated Dan Charles, Interim Chair.

"The bill is grossly unfair to the many people who respect our nation enough to follow its laws when emigrating," Mr. Charles continued, "and it signals to the world that the United States will eventually pardon those who break our laws and enter the country illegally. This has been tried before, the result has been the entry of the more than 12 million illegals who would receive amnesty if this provision is made law. The last time we did this, we granted amnesty to just a few million. How many more will we need to pardon in another 10 years?"

The bill also threatens our national security. It legalizes the status of millions who have not undergone background checks. While foreign nationals sue our government because family members died trying to break our immigration laws and invade our nation, and President Bush's former Harvard Business School classmate, Mexican President Vicente Fox, threatens US-Mexican relations over this issue, and longtime government employees are fired for simply following their state's "English Only" laws, we must remember that more than half of the 9/11 terrorists were in this country illegally.

"Rather than say that breaking our laws is okay and rather than succumb to the threats of foreign leaders, Congress should reject this and further attempts to reward those who would insult and invade this nation. Our immigration laws are the most inviting in the world, and they should be-new arrivals often make substantial contributions to this nation. But, it is time we reformed our immigration laws—beginning with enforcing them, not finding ways to be an accomplice after the fact those who would break them. Without a secure border we shall cease to be a nation, our people will not be secure. It is time our elected leaders start putting America and all Americans first, or the people will elect people who do," said Mr. Charles.

Dan Charles Interim Chair/Treasurer (303) 449-0258
Romelle Winters   Press Secretary   (662) 453-8412
Other contacts available upon request


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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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