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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Real Solutions to the Bribery Problem

Boulder, CO -- In the 2006 State of the Union Address and the Democratic Response, both President Bush and Governor Kaine ignored the ethical problems facing their parties. In response, National Chairman Dan Charles issued the following statement:

"The Abramoff Scandal has brought new attention to the corruption and bribery that infects Democrats and Republicans alike. On Tuesday night, President Bush and Governor Kaine ignored this issue.

"Meanwhile, Congressional leaders, including newly elected Majority Leader John Boehner, are playing political games by proposing false reforms of the lobbying system. It is a cynical ploy to save their jobs, their power, and taxpayer funded perks.

"The 'lobbying reform' proposals introduced by Democrats and Republicans are a farce--applying window dressing solutions to foundational problems. Any of these bills could be titled 'The Professional Lobbyist and Corrupt Practices Protection Act of 2006'.

"The problems in Washington will not be solved by putting a $20 price tag on a business lunch or merely limiting who can pay for a Senator's vacation. Real reform requires the highest ethical conduct by all our government officials.

"Since our founding, the AFP has offered real solutions to the problems caused by professional lobbyists whose interest is to help their clients manipulate the law and use taxpayer money for private gain.

"First, stop the direct bribery from lobbyists by requiring that at least 50% of the funds donated to a candidate committee must come from citizens who can vote for the candidate.

"Second, eliminate corporate and involuntary lobbying by limiting lobbying to those organizations that raise money only through publicly disclosed voluntary donations from voters.

"Third, end the hidden handout of taxpayer money by requiring that every line item in a bill be debated and voted upon by one house or the other, allowing members the opportunity to read bills before voting on them. One way to ensure the end of 'earmarks' would be to require that all bills address one issue only and clearly cite its constitutional authority.

"Fourth, prohibit government employees and elected officials from working for lobbying firms until they have been out of public service for five years, thereby outlawing the corrupting self-interest fueled by the staffer-lobbyist revolving door.

"Finally, and most importantly, remove the primary source of corruption by sharply reducing the size and scope of the federal government to its limited powers under the Constitution."

The America First Party was founded in April 2002 and is focused on electing principled citizen statesmen who will preserve and protect our people and our sovereignty, promote economic growth and independence, encourage the traditional values of faith, family, and responsibility, ensure equality before the law in protecting those rights granted by the Creator, and clean up our corrupted political system. In 2004, the AFP elected two-thirds of its candidates to public office.

Dan Charles, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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