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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tea Party Platform: A Good First Step Forward

Boulder, CO - Recently, elements of the Tea Party movement released a platform with many similarities to that of the America First Party. The 10 point platform embraces the need to cut and cap government spending, eliminate pork, balance the budget, eliminate unconstitutional federal programs, and keep taxation at reasonable levels. All of the planks are compatible with the AFP platform, and are consistent with a gradual approach to the mammoth task of transforming federal policy so that it once again truly reflects our constitutional blueprint.

The platform, entitled "Contract from America," is reportedly the product of input from hundreds of thousands from across the country. This in itself, as well as the Tea Party movement's overall activities, signal both an increase in interest in the political process and a new form of participation. A break from the individual non-participation of past decades is absolutely essential for any meaningful reform movement, and so we joyfully welcome the many signs that this is finally happening.

While Tea Partiers deserve much praise, we should also point out that their platform does not recognize all the principles which are vital to a national restoration. An introductory reference to the Free Market even suggests an overly materialistic outlook. The Free Market, while often extremely beneficial to social progress, is not an adequate substitute for Judeo-Christian values, including the Natural Law. These "laws of nature and of Nature's God" are still the basis for recognizing man's God-given right to property, to organize himself with others for legitimate purposes, to live, and to possess the legitimate means of self defense. Without this understanding, we may slip into the error that all man's rights are granted by government, and may be taken away at its discretion.

Although the Tea Party movement is a big step forward, its actions are not enough. Our nation is in a crisis which enemies of the Constitution will likely exploit. A quick and organized response is in order. To change our nation's disastrous course, we must: (1) cultivate quality candidates who respect the basic requirements of the oath of office; and (2) build the organizational support structures to get them elected. The many failed attempts to reform the major parties clearly show that this second point is likely best served by building a third party. The practical means exist to make this happen -- all that is lacking is sufficient participation.

Jonathan Hill, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Michael Lynch, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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