Resolution Remembering Tom White
(Adopted by unanimous vote of the National Committee on August 10, 2010)
Whereas, a dear friend and patriot, Tom White, was laid to rest on April 29th, 2010;
It is hereby resolved by the America First National Committee that Tom White be always remembered for:
1. His steadfast support for the principles of the America First Party from its inception;
2. Standing for his beliefs, whether popular or not;
3. For his friendship, advice and encouragement to many of us during difficult times;
4. For his expressed devotion to God, and for putting his principles into numerous good actions;
5. For his continued service over many years despite failing health.
Be it also resolved, that his sacrifices and those of all other departed members of the America First Party be not in vain, and that the defense of principles which are so necessary for peace and prosperity be forever continued, both in honor of their memory and in devotion and gratitude to our generous and loving God.