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Provisional Rules of the America First Party

(These rules were adopted by resolution of the National Committee on April 20, 2002. They were replaced by the party Constitution, which was adopted on August 8, 2002 by the National Committee.)

Article I. Party Name

Section 1: The name of the party shall be the America First Party.

Article II. The National Committee

Section 1: The National Committee shall be the supreme governing authority of the party.
Section 2: Meetings of the National Committee shall be called:
  1. By resolution of the National Committee setting the time, date, and place of the meeting;
  2. By majority vote of the officers of the National Committee;
  3. By written demand of one quarter of the members of the National Committee.
Section 3: Notice of meetings of the National Committee shall be such that:
  1. When called by resolution of the national committee, no additional notice shall be required;
  2. When called by the officers of the National Committee or by written demand of the membership, a notice of at least seven days for a teleconference meeting, and 30 days for an in-person meeting, shall be provided to the members of the National Committee.
  3. During the National Convention, and on the day prior thereto, and on the day of the adjournment thereof, the National Committee may be called into meeting upon short notice by publication in a prominent place at the site of the convention.
Section 4: A Quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the National Committee.
Section 5: The members of the National Committee shall be only those persons whose names appear upon the Certified List of the National Committee Members, less those persons who have tendered resignations in writing or who are deceased.  Only such members as described herein above, shall be eligible to vote or otherwise participate in the business of the National Committee.
Section 6: Each affiliated State Party shall be entitled to select three members to serve upon the National Committee.  The members shall be registered by the State Chairman with the Secretary.
Section 7: The National Committee shall, from time to time, adopt and/or amend the Certified List of the National Committee Members. Such adoption or amendment shall be by three-fifths vote of the National Committee of those present and voting, or by a majority of all the members of the National Committee.
Section 8: The National Committee shall have the authority to create and abolish such committees as it shall deem necessary and proper for the conduct of the party's business.
Section 9: The officers of the National Committee shall be the chair, the vice-chair, the secretary, and the treasurer.
  1. The officers shall be elected by majority vote of the National Committee.
  2. The officers shall serve until the election of replacements at a National Committee meeting immediately preceding the Inaugural National Convention of the America First Party.
  3. The National Committee may elect any member of any affiliated State Party to serve as an officer.
  4. The officers shall be ex-officio members of the National Committee.
  5. Any officer may be removed by majority vote of all the members of the National Committee.
Section 10: Qualifications for membership on the National Committee shall include:
  1. Election in accordance with all applicable national and state party rules and state and federal election laws;
  2. Membership in the affiliated State Party;
  3. Support for the platform of the party, its mission statement and its founding principles;
  4. Obedience to the rules of the party;
  5. Upright moral character and behavior that is a credit to the party.
Section 11: The National Committee may exercise its authority in any matter by the written consent of a majority of all its members. Resolutions shall be submitted to the National Committee for written consent by a majority vote of the officers or upon the written demand of one-quarter of the members of the National Committee.  Action by written consent shall have the same force and effect as a Resolution adopted at a meeting of the National Committee.

The Secretary shall provide the resolution to the members by electronic mail, fax, or postal mail as appropriate.  The Secretary shall tally only such votes as he receives by fax or postal mail within 14 days of the Secretary's publication of the resolution, and which bear the signature of the member and the date of execution.  The Secretary shall provide interim reports and a final report of the voting to the members by electronic mail.

Article III. The National Convention

Section 1: The National Committee shall be responsible to arrange and call the Inaugural National Convention of the America First Party.
Section 2: The National Convention shall be responsible for adopting and maintaining a party platform, and any other business as shall be assigned by the National Committee.
Section 3: Thirty day written notice of the time, date, and place of the National Convention shall be provided to the State Chairmen of the affiliated State Parties and the members of the National Committee.
Section 4: The National Committee shall serve as the credentials committee to the National Convention.
Section 5: The delegates to the National Convention shall be:
  1. One delegate per congressional district elected by each affiliated State Party;
  2. Each elected municipal, county, state, and federal official who is a member of the affiliated State Party, and has publicly proclaimed such;
  3. The members of the National Committee from each state;
  4. The officers of the National Committee.

Article IV. Affiliated State Parties

Section 1: The affiliated State Party shall be that political organization within a given state whose National Committee members appear upon the Certified List of National Committee Members.  There shall be only one affiliated State Party within any given state.  From time to time the National Committee shall adopt a list of the recognized state chairs of the affiliated state parties.

Article V. Amendments of the Rules

Section 1: Without prior notice, these Rules may be amended by a three-fifths vote of the National Committee, or by majority vote of all the members of the National Committee.

Article VI. Sunset of These Rules

Section 1: These Rules shall cease to be valid upon adoptions of a Constitution, By-Laws, Charter, or Rules designed for that purpose.  Such replacement must be adopted at a meeting of the National Committee to be held within 48 hours prior to the start of the Inaugural National Convention of the America First Party.

Article VII. Parliamentary Authority

Section 1: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern meetings of the National Committee and the National Convention in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with any Rules, Bylaws, Constitution or resolutions adopted by the National Convention or National Committee.
America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.