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Rules for Reflectors
(Prior to February 2004)

  1. Each Reflector will have a moderator.
  2. The Moderator will be elected by majority vote of the National Committee.
  3. The Moderator may be removed by majority vote of the National Committee.
  4. Between meetings of the National Committee, the Officers may appoint moderators to fill vacancies, but such appointments shall last only until the next meeting of the National Committee.
  5. No person shall be permitted to serve as moderator on more than three reflectors.
  6. The Moderator shall be responsible for membership management and enforcement of these rules.
  7. Each reflector or mailing list will have a stated purpose, approved by motion of the National Committee.
  8. Use of the reflectors is encouraged for the following purposes:
    1. Positive news about the America First Party.
    2. Constructive ideas for building the party and promoting its platform.
    3. Information about how the Republican and Democrat establishment are destroying America.
    4. Announcements of general interest to America Firsters.
    5. Success stories from state party organizations and candidates.
    6. Reports of America First Party member grassroots activism.
    7. Discussion and debate on the merits of ideas.

  9. The following activities are not permitted:
    1. False information about anybody, but especially other America Firsters.
    2. Sniping and clever retorts whose purpose is to hurt feelings and "get goats".
    3. Personal attacks or name calling or attacks based on race, religion, or gender.
    4. Discussions that are not relevant to the America First Party or the purpose of the reflector.
    5. Conduct which is disruptive to the purpose of the reflector.
    6. Cross-posting messages.
    7. Failure of a poster to identify him or her self in any post, include their name and state.

  10. Misuse of the reflectors shall carry the following ever increasing penalties:
    1. A warning will be issued to the user.
    2. Following a second warning, the user will be moderated for 2 weeks, and impermissible messages will be rejected.
    3. Following a third warning, the user will be removed from the reflector for 1 month.
    4. Following a fourth warning, the user will be permanently removed.

  11. To be a member of any reflector, a person must be a member of an affiliated America First State Party Organization, or where none exists, a member of an organizing committee for such State Party Organization.
  12. There will be a reflector for state and party leaders. There will also be reflectors for specific committees. Members who qualify cannot be removed from those reflectors but may be moderated.

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.