Standing Rules of the 2002 National Convention of the America First Party
(Adopted by the National Convention on August 9, 2002 at Orlando, Florida.)
Section 1. The purpose of these Standing Rules shall be to provide for the orderly conduct of the National Convention of the America First Party (hereinafter, "AFP").
Section 1. The Delegates to this Convention shall be those individuals selected by the affiliated State Parties, in accordance with the Constitution of the AFP and the rules adopted by the respective State Parties.
Section 2. Each affiliated State Party shall submit credentials to the National Secretary prior to the seating of their delegates. The document shall list the names and addresses of the delegates.
Section 3. Alternates may be seated in the absence of the delegate as determined by the affected State Party.
Section 1. The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern this convention in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with these Standing Rules and any other Rules adopted by the Convention, or Rules or Constitution adopted by the National Committee.
Section 1. The Convention shall be called to order by the National Chair.
Section 2. The National Chair shall call for the Credentials Report of the National Committee. The delegates whose credentials are approved by the National Committee shall receive and adopt the Credentials Report. A delegation shall not vote upon any challenge to its own credentials.
Section 3. The National Chair may designate a Parliamentarian to provide for him such advice as he may require.
Section 4. The agenda shall be adopted by majority vote of the delegates. The agenda shall include but not be limited to:
a) Opening Remarks by the National Chair and the host State Party
b) Credentials Committee Report
c) National Officers Reports
d) Standing Committee Reports
e) Special Committee Reports
f) Resolutions
g) Adjournment
Section 5. Deviations from the agenda shall require a two-thirds vote.
Section 1. Each credentialed delegate is entitled to one (1) vote on any matter before the Convention.
Section 2. The Chair of each State Party delegation, or their alternate, shall be responsible for assuring all delegates are properly credentialed and only properly credentialed delegates cast votes on matters before the convention.
Section 3. Voting shall be by voice vote unless other methods are required by these Standing Rules. If there is reasonable question regarding the results of a voice vote, a hand vote may be requested by a delegate or the National Chair.
Section 4. A roll call vote may be called by the National Chair or by majority vote of the convention.
Section 5. A roll call vote, when required, shall be conducted by state.
Section 1. The Platform Committee shall make a formal report to the convention regarding its activities and shall present any resolutions the committee recommends for adoption:
a) All Resolutions recommended by a committee for consideration shall be presented in the form of a written "RESOLUTION" to the convention for debate and vote;
b) Committees may establish Standing Rules specific to the conduct of their committee business by majority vote of the committee membership.
Section 2. Any delegate wishing to sponsor any "Resolution" or Amendment to the Platform shall do so in conformance with the Special Rules on Resolutions as adopted by the National Committee.
Section 3. Resolutions shall be presented to the convention by the National Secretary and called up for consideration by the Presiding Officer in the order required by the Special Rules on Resolutions of the National Committee for debate and vote at the designated time for the consideration of Resolutions. The maker of the Resolution shall have the privilege of moving its adoption and speaking first in support thereof.
Section 4. Debate on any issue or resolution shall consist of 3 speakers for and 3 speakers against, with a 2-minute time limit per speaker, except in the case of an appeal from the decision of the Chair, in which case the Chair may speak once for three minutes, and the person bringing the appeal may speak once for three minutes.
Section 5. Extending debate on any one resolution beyond the requirements of Section 4 of this Article shall require the support of a majority vote of the delegates.
Section 6. Adoption of Platform Planks shall require three-fifths supermajority of those present and voting for passage. Adoption of other resolutions shall be by majority vote of the delegates present and voting.
Section 1. In the event any provision of these Standing Rules shall conflict with State or Federal law or the AFP Constitution, such laws or Constitution shall take precedence over the specific requirements of the Standing Rules.