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 to the Internet Home of the America First Party

The central focus of the America First Party is to put America and all Americans First. We will elect candidates who will restore morality, ethics, and common sense to public service. We will return our Constitution to its proper place in our Republic.

We urge you to join us and get involved. The America First Party is committed to reclaiming our great nation. Get involved now! (Read more here...)

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Syria Attack at Odds with an America First Foreign Policy - April 16 - It is with sadness that we witnessed President Trump's effective repudiation of the principles of an America First foreign policy last week, with his attack on a nation which is not threatening the security interests of the United States, and which is a natural ally with us in opposing Al-Qaeda. (Read more...)
We Remember Congressman James Traficant, Patriot and Heroic American - October 2 - Jim Traficant was undeterred by political or media pressure, and was a genuine threat to the corrupt establishment. (Read more...)
Looming Risk of Regional War Reflects Reckless and Poor Leadership - September 9 - While our sympathy and prayers go out to the people of Syria, use of U.S. military power there seems likely to do more harm than good, an appraisal shared by many desperate civilians in that war-ravaged nation. Indeed, if this assessment is true, initiating strikes on Syria would be gravely immoral. Will we replicate the results of immoral and unconstitutional attacks on Libya and Iraq, by leaving a largely lawless state behind, causing Christians and other religious minorities to flee, and creating yet another haven for Islamic extremists? (Read more...)

  Ron Paul and the Agony of Defeat
Will Patriots Ever Learn?

John Pittman Hey writes: "Paul never had a prayer of gaining the nomination for one simple reason: Republican Party members do not agree with his principles or his policies. He didn’t lose because he was cheated, or because the Republican voters didn’t know where he stood. He lost because Republicans hate his ideas."
Read the full article here ...
  Skyrocketing Medical Costs
Jon Hill writes: "Fear and lack of information lead some to embrace the concept of a government health care system. One thing is for sure, though. There would be little risk of implementing a national health care system if lawmakers respected the basic requirements of the U.S. Constitution."
Read the full article here ...
  The Moral Duty to Cut and Run
Why America Must Lose the War in Iraq

John Pittman Hey writes: "There can be no reasonable doubt that our invasion of Iraq is a war of aggression against that nation, for Iraq posed no imminent threat against our country or its people. It had not the ability, nor even the intent, to jeopardize our existence. We had no serious cause of disagreement with Iraq to justify war."
Read the full article here ...
  Inflation - The People's Enemy
and Tool of the Expansionary State

Jon Hill writes: "The Constitution makes it clear that it was the intention of the founders, who were formed by their experiences, that we be on a coined-money currency standard."
Read the full article here ...
  North American Legislatures to Receive Integration Proposals on September 30th
Jon Hill and J.C. Schweingrouber write: "Industry and government elites cleverly, stealthily, and incrementally advance their cause of 'harmonizing' the trade, immigration, transportation, and security policies of Mexico, Canada, and the U.S."
Read the full article here ...
  The National Debt - Will It Reach $1 Zillion?
Perhaps it will take an economic collapse before Americans realize that the course they have chosen, that of an expansive federal government, is unsustainable, and that returning to the wisdom of the founders is the proper solution. Read the full article here ...

America First Party in the News
  April 28, 2016 - CNN
Party's platform positions relative to the Trump phenomenon
  October 23, 2008 - English AlJazeera Television
Party Chairman Interviewed by AlJazeera TV
  April 8, 2008 - Cherry Creek News
Newspaper Republishes Party Press Release
  January 2, 2007 - Agape Press
Cloned Animals in Food Supply a Bad Step, Groups Say
  January 1, 2007 - Henderson Daily Dispatch
D.C. doesn't get it
  January 31, 2005 - Agape Press
Iowa Rep. Claims Life High on Congress's Agenda; Some Pro-Lifers Doubtful
  October 17, 2004 - Lakeland Florida Ledger
THE OTHER PARTIES: Political Affiliations in Polk Stretch Way Beyond Republican and Democrat
  December 1, 2003 - The Empire Page
The Bush Jr. and Cheney Record of Failure
  November 24, 2003 - American Free Press
America First Party Chair Builds From Grassroots Up
  May 19, 2003 - WorldNetDaily
Will House take up renewal of gun ban? - "A firearm, be it single shot or semi-automatic, is protected equally by the Constitution. A free people do not need permission to own guns," - Frank Hackl, AFP-WI Chairman
  May 7, 2003 - Massachusetts News
Ray Flynn Salutes Activists of Mass. 'America First Party'
  April 11, 2003 - South Marion (FL) Citizen
America First Looking for Support
  April 9, 2003 - World Net Daily
Parties weigh in on Iraq war - The America First Party ... is supportive of U.S. troops but last week adopted a policy condemning the war.
  March 21, 2003 - South Marion (FL) Citizen
America First - It's a New Party

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Today's Opinions

Last Updated Thursday
Jan 15, 20:00 CST

What Freedom of Speech? - And how hypocritical was it of the French government to claim it defends free speech! In France, you can go to jail if you publicly express hatred for a group whose members may be defined generally by characteristics of birth, such as gender, age, race, place of origin or religion. You can also go to jail for using speech to defy the government. This past weekend, millions of folks in France wore buttons and headbands that proclaimed in French: "I am Charlie Hebdo." Those whose buttons proclaimed "I am not Charlie Hebdo" were asked by the police to remove them. Those who wore buttons that proclaimed, either satirically or hatefully, "I am Kouachi" were arrested. Arrested for speech at a march in support of free speech? Yes.

When Terrorism is not terrorism - we can readily comprehend the comment in the New York Times of civil rights lawyer Floyd Abrams, noted for his forceful defense of freedom of expression, that the Charlie Hebdo attack is "the most threatening assault on journalism in living memory." He is quite correct about "living memory," which carefully assigns assaults on journalism and acts of terror to their proper categories: Theirs, which are horrendous; and Ours, which are virtuous and easily dismissed from living memory.

Terrorism Wins - Muslims in the banlieues wonder why insulting the Prophet is a protected freedom in France, while denying the Holocaust can get you a prison term. Hypocrisy is indeed the tribute that vice pays to virtue.

FISA Court Unconstitutional - When a FISA court judge rules that the NSA has the constitutional power to spy on Americans about whom it has no evidence of wrongdoing, as one judge did two weeks ago, because that ruling did not emanate out of a case or controversy - no one was in court to dispute it - the court is without authority to hear the matter, and thus the ruling is meaningless. By altering the constitutionally mandated requirement of the existence of a case or controversy before the jurisdiction of the federal courts may be invoked, Congress has lessened the protection of the right to be left alone that the Framers intentionally sought to enshrine.

Syria: A Turning Point Against Empire? - The post-World War II Nuremburg tribunal championed by the United States established the principle that war not justified by self-defense, i.e., a response to an actual or imminent attack, constitutes the crime of aggression. Syria has neither attacked the United States nor threatens to do so. United States military action against Syria to maintain national prestige or otherwise would be a war crime.

The America First Party does not necessarily endorse all the opinions expressed in the above linked external articles. The opinions expressed are those of the authors, who do not speak for the Party.
America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail Info@americafirstparty.org
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.