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America First Party

Founding National Convention
August 8-11, 2002

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to questions people have been asking. Please feel free to CLICK HERE to ask a question.

How is the convention being paid for?
While some of the costs are being paid from the party's fundraising efforts, the majority of the facility costs are being covered by credits the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel is giving the party for hotel rooms used by delegates and guests. If you are attending the convention, you should stay at the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel. If you stay anywhere else, and we do not reach our minimum required room sales figures, you will cost the party in excess of $400--money that could better be used to promote the party and its candidates.

Besides helping the party, there are other advantages to staying at the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel. It is a first class hotel dedicated to serving its guests. You won't have to waste money on cab rides or car rental or time going to and from the convention. You will be in the center of all the America First action.

Can more than one person stay in a room?
Yes. The single rate is only $89 per night, a savings 50% off the normal rates. For just $5 more per person per night, you can have up to an additional 3 people in the room (4 total). One other option you have is to get a "Club Level" room, for an additional $20 per night. This would provide you with a room on a restricted access floor and other extra amenities.

Are children under 18 free?
Yes. The Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel is family friendly and there is no additional charge for children.

Are pets allowed?
No, except for the vision impaired.

Can dietary needs be meet?
Yes. Special dietary needs (such as vegetarian, diabetic, or kosher) can be accommodated.

Are cribs and roll away beds available?
Yes. Both are available, at no charge, on a first come first served basis.

Are in-room refrigerators available?
Yes. In-room refrigerators are available, at no charge, on a first come first served basis. However, availability is limited. If you need a refrigerator, be sure to ask for one as soon as possible.

Is day-care available?
Day care is referred to several outside providers, so that you have a choice regarding who watches your children while you are busy with the party's business. The hotel staff will be happy to assist you, should this be a needed service.

If your question was not answered, please feel free to CLICK HERE to ask a question.


5445 Forbes Place
Orlando, FL 32812


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America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.