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A Daily Report on the America First Party Founding Convention

by Ryan Walters

Saturday, August 10

The America First Party continued its stunning success by finishing the Founding National Convention a day early. With all convention business complete by the end of the day, the Convention, along with the National Committee, voted to adjourn.

Delegates finished the work on the platform by adopting Parts Four and Five.

Part Four of the platform is entitled "Ensure Equality Before The Law In Protecting Those Rights Granted By The Creator." Planks in this section include positions on hate or thought crimes, security in one's person and property, states' rights, and the rights of property owners. Delegates worked harder on this section than on any other, with more time being taken dealing with it and more modifications being made. New planks were added regarding privacy rights, opposing national ID cards, opposing affirmative action, and stripping most arrest powers from federal law enforcement agencies. The section was finally adopted by unanimous vote.

Part Five of the platform is entitled "Clean Up Our Corrupted Political System." With only a couple of minor adjustments, the convention unanimously passed this section as well. Once all debate had ended on each section, the national convention adopted the entire platform by unanimous vote!

After the platform work was completed, delegates were permitted to bring up other resolutions they wished to have considered by the convention. The convention looked at many resolutions and passed those voicing support for English as our official language, support for the Fair Tax (a national retail sales tax in place of the income tax), and condemnation of an unlawful and illegal war with Iraq. Finally, the delegates voted to add a new plank entitled "Protecting Our Oceans And Fishing Rights" to Section Two of the platform. After the consideration and adoption of the resolutions, the national convention voted to adjourn, ending this historic and extremely productive convention.

During the evening hours, the delegates and invited guests attended a Celebration Dinner. With national television coverage by C-SPAN, Chairman Dan Charles gave an excellent speech on the state of the party. Speeches were also made by candidates Cameron Bates of Florida and James Edwards of Tennessee.

As a special treat, those attending the dinner viewed an exclusive taped address by James Traficant, who could not attend in person due to his political incarceration by the federal government. Mr. Traficant congratulated the America First Party, and spoke about our issues and the hard work it will take to take back our country. A silent auction was also held to raise money for the party.

All in all, the entire three-day event was truly a celebration - a celebration of liberation from disfunction, mistrust, and distractions, and jubilation that, at long last, we have a home for America First, Constitutionalist, pro-life patriots who put their country, their freedom, and their principles above all else.

The platform in its entirety will be on the party's website by Sunday evening for all to view.

Ryan Walters is Chairman of the America First Party of Mississippi.

Click here to read Convention News about Thursday, August 8!

Click here to read Convention News about Friday, August 9!


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